Another flat tire!
Little Chef can't do without his bicycle!
Mommy's fixing it:
I was looking out at our hedge
It is still kind of grayish, untill the leaves come.
Suddenly my eyes cauht something green:
a little misteltoe has started to grow. It is always green.
Misteltoe is a protected plant,
we should not cut down a tree if there is a misteltoe in it.
Who's gonna kiss under it?
Probably the little birds, they sound very jolly these days!
Try some caviar on your crispbread or sandwich.
Usually I eat it with boiled egg
but this time I had a boiled potato.
Yes, you can put that on your bread!
7 kommentarer:
strange - yes - but super tasty I am sure! Why is mistletoe protected?
My dearly beloved would love the caviar in a tube. I too would like to know why mistletoe is protected.
Oh, it's very convinient.
I have an image caviare is way too
expensive! but isnt' it expensive?
Le Chien: I'm not sure why it is protected in Norway. It is very rare in our country, but very common in my village.
Marjie: I bet he would have liked it! It's not a luxurious version, just an everyday and popular spread for your sandwich.. very practical in a tube!
Ayamlin: This caviar is not expencive, it is not like the russian.
Everything comes through mother's hands. The food, the cleaning, kids and the manual work. Women manage everything perfectly.
antigoni: not all women, Anette in particular manages everything! She is the best! Her husband and children are so lucky to have her and I am so proud to call her my best friend forever!! BFF!!!
neat idea--you know, I've honestly never tried caviar.
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