lørdag 9. august 2008

Inspiration and friendship

I just sat there happy
sniffing my new wooden olive tree spoon
reading my new books
and feeling the taste of future crumbles in my mouth.
I knew that
among other things, friendship is this:
Knowing what will make your friend
sniff a olive tree spoon
feeling happy
on a saturday night.

3 kommentarer:

monica sa...

å så koslig at du likte gaven!!
I love to be your friend Anette!!
BFF!!! :o)

C. sa...


My neighbor, Mette, is from Norway. She and her husband go back every year. The pictures she brings back are absolutely amazing. What a lush, beautiful world you live in. :)

And yes, connecting and loving friends rock, eh?

Nice to 'meet' you!

Anette sa...

Monica: ja den var midt i blinken! Love you forever!

Dragonfly: I feel lucky living here! And nice to meet you too, I thought it was appropriate to leave a comment, since I've been lurking for a while! I like your blog!