Bacon in the financial crisis
There can be a lot of love in a piece of toast
But we need color and taste too
And lucky us to be able to serve home made
Chinese wok (Norwegian style)
This is the only time I might eat faster than the rest of my family!
(if they keep to the chop sticks that is. )
I'm a slow eater
6 kommentarer:
looks good to me...
it's good to be a slow eater - then you have time to drink more wine.. :o)
I eat slow too- plus I talk too much...
Le Chien: it was! (the piggy was a bit overcooked though)
Monica: Thats one of the good things about slow eating!
Buffalodick: Ditto!
I'm so happy that you're coming to Greece on May! Is there any chance to meet me? If you have the time it'll be great to have a cup of coffee with me or a souvlaki or a hole dinner with everything! Let me now if your schedule can include me!
Nice, colorful stir fry!
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